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Mid-Scalp Hair Transplant - Glasgow

Dr Epameinondas Bonaros is a leading hair transplantation surgeon, offering a highly effective mid-scalp hair transplant procedure for the middle area of the head from his hair transplant clinic in Glasgow.

The mid-scalp is located just behind the frontal region of the head — in the middle part of the scalp. Hair thinning and hair loss in this area can cause men and women to feel self-conscious, prompting them to seek out permanent hair loss solutions like mid-scalp hair transplants.

Thinning hair in the middle part of the head is usually the result of significant hairline recession, while in some cases of male pattern baldness, the mid-scalp can remain as a bridge between a receding hairline and a bald crown region. For this reason, mid-scalp hair transplants are commonly treated as a part of a larger hair loss transplant plan, which typically includes a hairline or crown hair transplant surgery.

Mid-scalp, hairline, and crown hair transplants are all common treatments regularly performed by Dr Bonaros at his state-of-the-art clinic in Glasgow. With his patient-centred approach and passion for not only restoring hair, but confidence too, all of his hair transplant procedures are conducted with honesty and care.

Start the journey of restoring your hair today — Book a Zoom consultation with Dr Bonaros to discuss your hair loss concerns and next steps.

FUE Hair Transplant for Mid-Scalp Hair Loss

Combine this treatment with a crown hair transplant or hairline transplant for a comprehensive full head hair transplant. This 2 day procedure is a popular treatment option amongst patients wanting a full hair transplant.

The FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplant surgery is an advanced cosmetic hair transplant procedure which has proven to be effective in the treatment of hair loss concerns such as thinning hair, androgenetic alopecia (female and male pattern baldness), and issues on or around the middle of the scalp.

During this hair transplant procedure, individual hair follicles are discreetly harvested from the back of the head or donor area under local anaesthetic. The harvested hair follicles are then implanted into the balding areas in the mid-scalp region. In some cases, the implantation in this region may be done amongst pre-existing hair.

FUE hair transplantation offers several advantages which make it one of the more favoured methods of hair restoration amongst hair transplant surgeons. Here are some of the benefits of transplanting hair using the FUE method:

  • No linear scarring
  • Minimally invasive procedure
  • A sutureless procedure for a more aesthetically pleasing result
  • Quicker recovery time with less discomfort
  • Virtually undetectable scarring
  • Ability to have hair cut very short if desired

Achieving Natural & Uniform Results

Direct Hair Implantation refers to the sharp implantation technique used to directly implant the hair follicles from the donor grafts into the recipient area in the middle of the scalp. This is done using special hair implanter pens rather than regular forceps. The use of these implanter pens eliminates the need for incisions and can be used for both female and male hair loss.

Dr Bonaros is a leading hair transplant surgeon and mid-scalp FUE hair transplant procedure expert, specialising in the use of sharp hair implanter pens. The direct hair implantation technique gives him complete control over the angle, depth, direction, and density during the placement of grafts, resulting in a more natural look.

For hair loss treatment plans tailored to your specific needs, book a consultation with Dr Bonaros today.

DHI direct hair implantation procedure in Glasgow Scotland by Dr Bonaros

Considerations for Mid-Scalp Hair Transplants

Whether patients are struggling with female or male pattern hair loss or simply a reduction in hair growth in the middle of their scalp, there are certain considerations to ensure a successful result.

Because there are a limited number of grafts, and the balding process is likely to progress with time, it’s important to pick a qualified and experienced surgeon who will consider the following:

Creating a Natural-Looking Hairline

As hair thinning in the mid-scalp region is usually the result of significant hairline recession, addressing the hairline concerns is an important part of ensuring you receive results that look natural. If you are also experiencing crown hair loss, addressing this simultaneously can also help achieve better-looking results.

In advanced cases of mid-scalp baldness that require both a hairline and crown hair transplant, achieving low-density coverage in the middle of the scalp can yield cosmetically pleasing results. The hair grafts placed in this region will anchor the transplanted hair from the front or top of the scalp.

Future Outlook

Achieving a successful outcome from mid-scalp hair transplants relies on the donor area having sufficient hair density. To yield the best results, we advise that you also look at addressing any existing concerns around your hairline and crown.

While we can use family history to help us predict the extent of future projected hair loss, accurately predicting the extent of the hair loss before the age of 40 will be difficult, so older patients are generally preferred for this procedure.

A more cautious approach is taken with younger patients to preserve the donor hair supply in case future hair transplants are needed.

Book an appointment at our hair transplant clinic to find out which hair loss treatments will be best for your unique needs.

Mid Scalp hair transplant Result
Before and After Results of Mid-scalp Hair Transplant Procedure

Mid-Scalp Hair Transplants — FAQs

It can be quite overwhelming trying to learn everything you can about hair loss, hair transplant procedures, and alternative treatment options in the pursuit to restore your hair. We’ve compiled a list of answers to questions our patients ask to provide you with easily accessible information that’s accurate and relevant.

From the number of grafts needed for FUE mid-scalp hair transplants to whether you can prevent future hair loss, we’ve answered these questions and more below:

What is the difference between mid-scalp and crown hair transplants?

The mid-scalp and crown (or vertex) are two different locations of the head, although they are commonly viewed as the same area. The crown region is located at the highest point of the scalp and is a complex area where hair growth is in the form of a circular pattern known as a hair whorl. The mid-scalp is the region just in front of the crown (what one might call the top of the head).

While the middle of the scalp and the crown are two different areas, the same FUE method is used to treat both areas. However, each treatment will achieve a different result. Crown hair transplants work to restore crown thinning and promote hair growth in hair whorls. Hair transplants on the middle of the scalp aim to help reduce the appearance of receding hairlines.

The areas where you are experiencing the most hair loss will determine your hair transplant journey.

Mid-Scalp FUE Hair Transplant

Hair Transplant Result Dr Bonaros Glasgow Scotland

Crown FUE Hair Transplant

Crown hair transplant result with FUE

Who is a good candidate for a mid-scalp hair restoration procedure?

While the advancements in hair transplant procedures have led to more precise and natural-looking results, unfortunately not everyone is a suitable candidate for this FUE procedure. There are various factors that can influence whether or not you will be a suitable candidate for a hair transplant on the mid-scalp. Some factors include:

  • Hair loss diagnosis
  • Age
  • General health
  • Hair loss stability
  • Density of donor hair
  • Hair characteristics
  • Desired density

During your initial consultation, Dr Bonaros will look at and assess all of these factors and the risks involved to determine whether or not you will be a good candidate for a mid-scalp FUE hair transplant. If you are not a suitable candidate, Dr Bonaros can also advise on medications available as alternative treatment options.

Are FUE hair transplant procedures permanent?

Mid-scalp FUE hair transplants will permanently restore hair to areas experiencing hair loss at the transplant site, however, it will not stop further hair loss from occurring in the future in other areas. So even if the permanently transplanted hair continues to grow, there is always a chance you will continue to lose the pre-existing surrounding hair.

How much does FUE hair transplant surgery cost?

Each hair transplant patient is different, and each hair transplant using the FUE technique is tailored to the patient — therefore, having no set cost. The cost of hair transplants is determined by the following factors:

  • The clinic you choose
  • The type of hair transplant procedure you require
  • The complexity of your hair loss
  • The number of hair grafts needed

The cost of a middle scalp hair transplant using the FUE method in Scotland will vary depending on the expertise of your chosen hair transplant surgeon and how their clinic is run.

At our Glasgow clinic, we are able to offer cost-effective rates, as there is no middleman between the patient and the surgeon.

DHI with hair implanter pen direct hair implantation procedure in Glasgow Scotland by Dr Bonaros

Request a personalised quote with an estimated cost for your hair transplant at our clinic using our Online Assessment Form. We also offer financing options if you can not afford the upfront costs for your desired hair transplant.

Who will be performing my FUE hair transplant procedure?

All FUE transplant procedures, especially mid-scalp and hairline or crown hair transplants being performed together, require the highest level of skill and precision. These hair transplants should only be carried out by an experienced professional at a registered clinic.

At our Glasgow clinic, Dr Bonaros skillfully performs the entire hair transplant procedure as lead surgeon, rather than using hair technicians.

What can cause me to lose hair?

Hair loss in both men and women is most often caused by androgenetic alopecia (female and male pattern baldness), but can also be caused by alopecia areata and scalp infections.

But hair loss can have an extensive number of causes, and finding the reason why you are losing hair is the first step towards determining the right treatment. Here are some common causes of hair loss:

  • Various forms of alopecia
  • Certain medications
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Family history
  • Diet

If you are concerned you are experiencing abnormal amounts of hair loss, contact Dr Bonaros for a diagnosis and bespoke treatment plan.

What does the FUE hair transplant process & recovery look like?

Local anaesthetic is used during the mid-scalp procedure to numb the donor areas at the back of the head. It usually takes about 4-6 hours after being administered to wear off. During the wearing-off period, it is common to experience the sensation of a swollen scalp, tingling, or burning.

Following your hair loss treatment, you can expect temporary scabbing, itching, redness, or discomfort during the first couple of weeks. As the FUE method is a minimally invasive procedure, you will be able to return to work the next day if you wish, however, most patients tend to wait 2-3 days before returning to normal activities.

The donor area before, immediately post-op, the 10th day after FUE and 6 months after
Donor Area Healing Timeline

When will I start seeing the results of my FUE hair transplant?

It usually takes about three months following the mid-scalp FUE hair transplant for patients to start seeing results. Over the next few months, the transplanted hair will continue to grow, however, it will still be quite thin. Roughly six months after the hair transplant procedure, the new hair will have perfectly blended in with the pre-existing hair and will be able to be styled and cut with ease.

It takes about one year after the surgery for the new hair to fully mature.

Have more questions about hair loss or about the FUE hair restoration procedure? Call our clinic on 07708 627966 or book an appointment with Dr Bonaros for more information.

hair transplant results photos before after images Dr Bonaros Glasgow Scotland
6 Months after the Mid-scalp Hair Transplant Procedure

Dr Bonaros: Mid-Scalp Hair Transplants Completed with Care

As a full member of the British Association of Hair Restoration Surgery (BAHRS) and Scotland’s only full member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS), Dr Epameinondas Bonaros is one of the most qualified hair transplant surgeons in the UK.

Our clinic’s mission is to provide patients with ethical, honest, and responsible advice that is specifically tailored to their unique needs. With a patient-centred approach, our team strives to provide all of our patients with results that are satisfying and natural-looking to help them regain their confidence.

Our approaches are guided by integrity, trust, and the expertise of Dr Bonaros, with your well-being remaining our top priority throughout. So when you choose us, you are partnering with one of the UK’s best hair transplant clinics — and a team that truly cares.

Regain your confidence with a mid-scalp hair transplant performed by Dr Bonaros. Schedule a Zoom consultation to discuss the best treatment options for you.

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